XL-Bygg Götene Kinnekulle Cyclassic


Aron Simon Aytsegeb
Stockholm CK
Shown results have been verified and approved

Withdrawn during race

Tävlingsklass A Klass
Laps 2
Distance in total 84.2 km
Distance (lap) 42.1 km
Average lap 1:11:56
35.12 km/h
Fastest lap 1:03:55
39.51 km/h
Slowest lap 1:19:56
31.60 km/h
Participant (#83)
Aron Simon Aytsegeb
Stockholm CK
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Total time
Time Pace Time Time of day
Lap 1 1:03:55 39.52 km/h 1:03:55 12:03:55
Lap 2 1:19:56 31.60 km/h 2:23:52 13:23:52
Lap times
Timing by Svenska Cykelförbundet. Sportstiming is only responsible for registration.
For result queries please e-mail: info@cku6.se